Award winning silviculture and state of the art harvesting

English Woodlands Forestry have been working for Shere Manor Estate in Surrey since 2006 (alongside their land agent Batcheller Monkhouse). The Estate comprises over 290 hectares of woodland much of which is Scot’s Pine. In 2019 we were proud for the Estate to win the Royal Forestry Society Top Award for Silvicultural Excellence. The judges chose the Estate for the success of natural regeneration achieved after the careful introduction of shelterwood felling designed to introduce age diversity to the even aged stands. In 2022 it won the further RFS ‘Best of the Best’ award this time picked out because of the sensitive conversion to continual cover forestry alongside consideration of significant biodiversity and recreational interests.


Maintaining the landscape

Most recently we have been moving the management of stands to continual cover, deliberately thinning to let just enough light reach the forest floor.  This capitalises on natural regeneration developing in small gaps whilst conserving a canopy of mature trees.   The new system helps to maintain the landscape, biodiversity and economic value of the mature trees whilst ensuring the success of the next generation.   


We work closely with our operational partners Powell Forestry…

to exploit the most up to date technology and supply chains.The harvester is fitted with sophisticated software that captures the exact GPS location, and size of every log cut. The output is then available in a series of maps and graphs. This maximises the efficiency of the extraction and guarantees total transparency for the estate ensuring every piece of timber is accounted for and the best market for product can be achieved.

 Key Services

  • Long-term commitment to estate management

  • Woodland management planning

  • Maximising timber revenue

  • State of the art harvesting

  • Grant management

View further projects


Woodland creation

Brickhouse Estate

Managing tree risk